Wednesday 24 April 2013

Jenson turned three


I cannot believe it my beautiful little boy has turned three. It all goes so fast, it seems only seconds ago i was bringing home this little (rather large) baby boy and thinking arrr i am responsible for this tiny creature. Scary.
It has been the best three years of my life, and it really does fly when your having fun.

We had a lovely little celebration the day before his actual birthday with all of the family from both sides - our house was pretty full. 
He was so excited when all these extra people kept turning up with even more presents. I didn't manage to take too many photos of the party as i was too busy being a great hostess haha.

On his actual birthday we decided to go to our local big park. 
Its such a great day out for families or even to chill out with friends.
We fed ducks and swans, played on swings, slides and roundabouts, had a picnic, ran through woods..! 
It was perfect and Jenson had an absolute blast. 

Becki xx

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